I wish.
Last week of summer school. I had to do quite a few corrections on my powerpoint.
[ أمري ١٤ سنه .عمرهو ١٢ سنه .هو ٥٥ سنه .هي ٥٢ سنه ]
teeth and year are one "he" away. How could I have known?
I have to say I'm going to miss Arabic class. I've met some really cool people. Fortunately, I'll be seeing them next year as scrubs. (And apparently I'm being stalked by Mr. Jim and Co...He should stop having sex with everyone and everyTHING he sees.) I won't be seeing some really cool people though. Like Peter and Richard.
Haha. Those dorks.
My dorks.
...."Super" - Peter.
I had some intense bonding with the basketball team today. We raided the streets by Downey High School with a vengeance. (not really) The team's going to be awesome next year.
And finally, film camp is coming up. Oh, film camp...whatever shall I do without you. Last year, I met possibly the coolest people I will ever know there (Erica, Myles, Wolfie to name a few) so I wonder what'll happen in Advanced Digital Film. I'm there for two weeks so if you want to contact me, call be at seven-ish? Or leave a text. I'll answer my phone if I'm not at "work". I'm kind of scared though. It is Advanced Digital Film. I'm going to get slaughtered and trampled.
Hope for the best, right?
I'll be leaving Sunday afternoon to go check in. I'm coming back Friday the 7th. I'll be home for four (or five) days then I'm off to Hawaii for another two weeks.
Call. Text. Talk. Beat up (for some)
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I think that pretty much wraps it up. OH. Can't forget to let Isabel know that I LOVE THAT YOU'VE COMMENTED ON ALMOST EVERY POINTLESS POST. thanks. It means a lot, really.