Then, I thought of that one morning at 5:30 when I was eating before basketball practice when the video came up on VH1. (Nothing's on TV at 5:30 in the morning D:)
I thought I'd share that. :D
ANYWAYS- I'm about to go out to math class and I'm giving up going to visit good ol' chinese school typing this post. *sigh* oh well.
I still have three movies to film. I'm gonna go film the MUN/ History one tomorrow at the park and Albert's house (since he wants us there so bad ...????)
And I hate math.
I used to like math.
Now I hate math.
You'd think I'd like it.
After I got a 97% on my seequnces&series/ probability test.
But I still hate it.
Avi- You know what? Forget it. It was a good show and that's all that matters. I'm wearing my T-shirt right now!
Isabel- Thanks. And just to let you know, I DO have a life. Despite you you see. :P We're pretty gangsta, huh?
Alice- Of course I remember you! You were Tim's date :P
Man. This is the msot anyone's ever commented on this thing. :O

hehehe. My highest comment rate is four XD And, dont worry math is the same with me. And that song seems like a flashback song XD