Today, I went to go see 17 Again. Sarah couldn't stop laughing. Apparently it was partly due to the fact that the guy next to us had a very creepy laugh. Also, that guy started singing along ot "Fergilicious" when it came on before basketball game. :S
Long critical review (with dork moment at the end):
Despite the continuity errors, it was an enjoyable movie. I almost don't want to bring out possible editing blips because I want to say that it was genuinely a good film. The story line was a mash of Big, Back to the Future, and some original-not-so-original fluffy sub-plot. Shankman did okay but I think the real genius-i were the writers. The dialogue was spunky, fresh, and kept me happy.
The editing and choice of shots on the other hand is another story. I understand some parts were meant to be a little overlapped but why so many? Also, this might be the actor's problem, but I noticed when cutting from one shot to the next the actor was doing something else or in a different position. That seems like a very amateur mistake to me. I'm not pointing any fingers *cough*zacefron*cough* but that really broke continuity.
Okay, read the rest before ya'll get mad at me for that Zac Efron thing. I believe this guy has a lot of potential, sure. He's on the rise and he's probably going to have great roles coming up for him but I think this guy needs a little more expierence on the big screen before he tries to take on an Oscar-esque movie. His acting in the movie was pretty good and at moments his "dad" character was really showing and genuine but the little things kind of blew the 10/10 ranking for him.
Other than Efron, Tom Lennon was perfect. I loved his character, too. You should've seen me in the theatre. When he was on his not-date with the principal and they started speaking Elfish, I freaked out. I told Jennie, "OHMYGOSH, THEY'RE SPEAKING ELF!" She gave me a "wtf" face and ignored my spazzing. Also, I. Want. His. House. He has LUKE'S LANDSPEEDER for a bed. And a Tatooine backround on his wall. (A New Hope LOVE!) Plus, his clone shock trooper coffee thingy? Awesome. The lightsaber battle had to be my favorite part of the movie.
--- that leads me to the new game me and Kev got- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. We only have one mission left. I find Felusia much more annoying than I used to. Them warriors are tough cookies.
If you couldn't tell, I love Star Wars.
I also love The Lord of the Rings, which is how I knew the Elf thing. I don't know if they were speaking Quenya or the other one, though.
Spring break's over. That was quick. And unproductive.

THat's gonna be MY HOUSE. xD