I'm signed up for Advanced Film Studies for ages 16 and up. My mom made a call and I'm in. Now whether or not to sign up for the college credit....
I've been watching Bones a lot. I don't think it's healthy
Popularity in purgatory right now. I have no idea if Avi asked for the room.
I went to the Whitney Bottom Locker thing. That was pretty good. I can see there's a lot of talent there.
Film Club passed! I am now Vice President for Film Club next year.
Summer basketball! I'm so excited, I just can't hide it
Finals coming up. Oh dear.

I tried to get the room
ReplyDeletebut I don't think it worked
thanks to finals x(
i do care D:
your birthday was awesome. <3
those shades are bombdiggity B)
ReplyDeletei love our random encounterments!
like bottom loccccckkker & suchh.
'Advanced Film Studies for ages 16 and up.'
you're 16 & up?! 0______0
IIIII CARE! don't you care that i care?? [=
ReplyDeletewhats advanced film studies?
whats bones?
whos the president for ur film club? shoulda been youuuuu!